Top 7 Fantastic and Scenic Japanese islands

Japan is a blend of eco-friendly and natural beauty, and many of its islands perfectly reflect this unique look. Those visiting the land of the rising sun should not miss these strange and scenic Japanese islands.

Ancient forests in Yakushima, Kagoshima

Yakushima, who is said to be inspired by Studio Ghibli's animated Princess Mononoke, is more magical than its premiere. Centuries-old cedar trees abound throughout Yakuzugi Island - their tall, coarse trunks (said to be over 1000 years old) give the forest a magical, historic feel.

As a result, the island and its forests are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In them, you will disrupt all behaviors of natural beauty - think of waterfalls, peaks, and wild yak deer (Yakushima is sometimes referred to as Deer Island).

Isolation in Aogashima, Tokyo

Far-flung, mysterious, and unrecognizable, the Japanese island of Aoshima is technically part of Tokyo Prefecture - even though it is 358 kilometers south of the capital. It is hard to reach. It is a unique volcanic island; Mossy hills rise in a circle around the center of the island, creating a crater for lush, lush vegetation, wildflowers, and natural sauna.


There are only 160 residents, and there are stillness and a sense of isolation like nowhere else.

Ghost towns in Hashima Island, Nagasaki

About 15 miles [15 km] from Nagasaki, you will find the wholly abandoned island of Hashima (also known as Gunkanjima or Warship Island). Once a symbol of Japan's rapid industrialization, coal ended here - forcing mines to close and its inhabitants to leave. Now, crumbling buildings are crumbling across the island, and cruel-style apartments roam the deserted streets below like giants.

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